Nature Is Suffering Because of Us !!

This is not the first time I've say it, we humans are the only reason nature is suffering. our acts not only affect us and the people around us, but the earth and everyone in it. 

We might not be able to completely eliminate the problem, but we can at least do as much as we can.


Have a look at this beauty that nature has offer us, have you ask yourself what do we do to thanks nature ?

well we (humans) cut them down for pages, houses, and furniture, you must think we are doing it cause we need it but if we need this now and will in the future why won't we do it in moderation ? why won't we replanted them afterwards ? well don't because of profit .

Imagine if some one would to cut you're arms and legs, but make sure you survive just so you can die slowly !! there is not difference between that and how we cut down trees.

They tie your legs and arms, not being able to move for days if not months, forcing you to stay down until eventually you either die from being tired nor you give up in life.

This is just my opinion. We all might have diferente opinions about this topic which I totally understand.

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