Would You Help A Fellow Steemer/Steemian?

Hello my fellow Steemers/Steemians!

I have just been given notice that I will be starting my new job on August 7th! Exciting! The only problem with that is my new job is about 700 miles away, back in my home state of Tennessee. 

I am going to have to move my family (wife and daughter) in 11 days, and this will be a pretty expensive move obviously.

I'm not asking for handouts, just upvotes and re-steems please! An upvote doesn't actually cost us anything to give out, but we all know how much those upvotes can help others!

Just so you know that this is a legitimate request for upvotes, here's the proof:

Thank You!


Wow, thank you all so much for the kind words! The steemit community is better than any other online community I have ever been involved in hands down! 


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