Parenting adventures of the disgusting kind

Lots of things in regards to children are fun and exciting...but then you have the other things. Sometimes I’m pretty sure that the reason kids are so cute at certain so we can’t get too extremely mad at them. That being kids, this week in general, are trying my patience!

The 2. He is the definition of a terrible 2 year old. I hate to compare him to his brother...because at this age, his older brother didn’t have any bad influences...but this child is extra willful, moody and down right stubborn!

We’re potty training at the moment. I’m sure that’s a lot of parents least favorite phase. This child is driving us nuts! He asks to go potty at least once every 10 minutes...will do nothing...and then...

HE POOPS ON THE FLOOR!!!! I’m sorry if this is too much information for some of you...but imagine how we feel! It’s not like he’s don’t this once or twice...and it’s not like it’s always an accident. He’ll run off after being punished...and poop in his room or his brothers...and smear it all over!!! We’ve done time outs, early bedtimes, cold baths...nothing is deterring his poop problems! At this point...we just need to buy a carpet cleaning machine...We actually had to order zip up he can’t take his pajamas off during bedtime/naptime...In the meantime we’ve modified some old PJs.
So far it’s doing the trick! The adventures in parenting continue! It’s good, bad and sometimes yucky!!!

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