Charity Catwalk - my Runway Fashion Model Night!

Like I had mentioned the other day, it's been super busy 'round these parts. I'm getting better at doing volunteer work, as in actually following through instead of just musing about it, and I'm serving some time on a board of directors for a local women's nonprofit. We had our monthly board meeting, and another gal came over to chat as we were all leaving.

She asked if I was still going to attend EN VOGUE - which is a fashion show designed to benefit The Skagit Friendship House, which she works at. I had planned on it, and then she asked me if I was interested in modeling. I did have to think about it for a hot minute, but then I said yes.

Saying yes is something I'm working on (along with saying NO when necessary). I knew that if I just said yes, that everything else would fall into place. And of course, it did.

Thursday the 8th (International Women's Day, by chance!) was work-day-busy until about 130pm, then I ran over to the venue for hair and make up. As someone who washes her hair on Sunday & Thursdays, rarely uses product, and has a makeup regime of "hrm, eyeliner? mascara? okay done" this was super weird. I even had on fake eyelashes, y'all.


My hair was done up in this incredible poofy messy braid. The patience that these stylists have is inspirational. Also a ton of hairspray, good grief. And lots of bobby pins that I need to find a use for now!


The primary focus of EN VOGUE is to get designers to create a new outfit from something pre-existing. One gal made a leather jacket from a recliner, and another designer made two outfits using pieces from a sleeping bag. THEY WERE AMAZING.

Something new that they've added, that I was modeling for, was the boutique section. Because designed pieces are one-of-a-kind, you pretty much have to fit into them immediately. Or pay to get them tailored. With the boutique pieces, you can go to the shop and get the shirt, jeans & jacket worn on my size XS into your size whatever. THIS IS AMAZING and brilliant and sensible, right?


I had attended the show twice previously, and I've always gotten something. It was weird being on the other side this time! I would do it again in a heartbeat though, as we were able to raise over $30,000 (before their expenses for the show) from outfit auctions, silent auctions, raffle prizes and raise-the-paddle (specific dollar amount ask) donations.

Get out of your comfort zones. Do something selfless for someone else. Donate your time, and your energy. You'll be wicked tired, and your heart will be wicked full!

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