Without invitation!

When I saved a street vendor, I consoled King Kong and kicked my roommate, all thanks to the drink. The story I am about to tell you happened when I was studying at the university. It was my third year of career and by that time I was already adapted to the new city where I had to move to do my studies. I was doing well in classes, I had a lot of friends and I had even managed to rent a large apartment, with two rooms for myself, located in a good area of the city, finally having the independence I had always wanted.

Everything was going great, until the owner of the apartment decided to increase the rent without notice. The new rent lease was very high and it was decided to sublet the room that I did not use, in order to get extra money. I printed some flyers and distributed them to several places in the university. To my surprise, the same day I received a call from a girl interested in renting the room. I was very sad because I no longer lived alone, now I shared with a hateful, ugly girl with a boyfriend, which I didnt like because I knew that the boy would be in the apartment quite often.

It was February 14 and I was single so decided to stay at home. While preparing dinner in the kitchen, I saw my roommate in the livingroom kissing with a boy who was not her boyfriend. I did not give it importance because her sex life is not my problem

My dinner was ready, I was about to eat when the door of the apartment opened violently and an unknown man entered, very thin, with a careless appearance, long and dirty hair, with several badly made tattoos and multiple piercings, he really looked like a street vendor. Behind the described individual, my roommate entered, with features of concern on her face. It should be noted that the young man described was not the same man who had left the apartment a few minutes before.


Source: www.las2orillas.co

Behind my roommate, entered a second man, a tall, corpulent, afroamerican, whom I recognized immediately and who by his appearance was nicknamed King Kong. This last guy who came to the apartment, it was my roommate´s boyfriend. I had to get up immediately from the dining table and stand between the street vendor and King Kong to prevent a fight. Action I made to avoid being involved in any violent act.

In order to calm the situation and try to mediate, I asked my roommate to go to her room, the street vendor to leave the apartment and King Kong to wait in the dining room, actions that all met under protest. At that moment the alcohol enters the scene, I served King Kong a drink to enter into confidence and listen to his story. In fact, Mr. Kong told me through tears that he had seen his girlfriend kissing with the street vendor right at the door of the building, for which he had entered into anger. After an extensive talk and several drinks, I managed to calm him down and make him understand that violence was not necessary, pointing out that he had to leave the apartment to leave the incident behind, a proposal he accepted. The first problem was already solved, now I had to deal with the street vendor, who was in the lobby of the building, where King Kong had to go to leave. At this point I must admit that watching a king-sized man cry mournfully was funny.

I proceeded to leave King Kong in the room, not before leaving him with ice and a bottle of vodka. I prepared a Cuba Libre in a disposable cup to offer to the street vendor and I called the police and told them I had an unwanted person outside the apartment; my backup plan was ready. I left the apartment meeting the street vendor, I immediately offered him the Cuba Libre that I had prepared. This character refused to leave the building and with the passing of the minutes became irrational, to the point of trying to enter the apartment by force. In that precise moment is when I hear a strong voice that asks "Who is the one left over in this party?". I had to restrain myself from laughing at such a question the police officer had asked. When the officer saw the street vendor with the smell of alcohol and in a violent attitude, he decided to reduce it and take it out of the building by force. My second problem was solved

Source: www.madescolabs.com

Upon entering the apartment I asked King Kong to leave and he agreed without problems. Finally I asked my roommate to come out of her room, I served a shot of tequila for each one and after drinking it, she accepted that she had to move immediately. After that day I learned the use of alcohol for mediation. You in my position, how would you have reacted?

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