The Adventures Continue!

Day 4 of living in a slanted truck. When it was moved, I didn’t really the option to raise up the wheels on blocks, seeing as there was no clutch or breaks to attempt such a maneuver. If you were to put a ball inside my truck at the moment it would quickly roll to the right hand corner. My youngest thinks it great as she gets to slide on the floor.


The view from above, you can see my truck down there at the end, lovely and slanted!

But try waking up in the middle of the night, and literally falling out of you bed, cos you forgot you were parked on a slope. I have had to raise my bed a few inches on one side just so I don’t fall out when I sleep. It was okay for the first couple of days but now, now it is a bit annoying. Anything gets spilled and it’s really difficult to mop it up.

Today the mechanic came to remove the master cylinder, so that he can get a good look at the seal and hopefully order the right one. But it’s not just the seal that needs replacing, there are also broken pieces within. In the end we decided it would be best to try and replace the whole thing.

The plan was to go into the nearest town to see if the motor shop can order it, but they couldn’t. In the end we found a place online that can hopefully deliver it within the week. So yes, I have another few days of living like this. There is a lot to be said for living on a flat surface, let me tell you.


Looking down on where I just moved from, the pale trees are all Olive with some wonderful Citrus trees mixed in.

The cylinder costs 100 and then there will be the cost of fitting it in. Once that is done, hopefully she can be moved to the new land. It’s crazy cos I am literally parked below it, I’m so close. It feels like I’m living in a strange limb at the moment. The inside of the truck is somewhat chaotic as I had to put long boards inside, in order to transport them, plus there are lots of stuff still in boxes, from when I was moving it from the land.

I put up a lot of shelves inside, but because it wasn’t being moved, I left them opened, which as you can imagine, is no good when it does need to travel. The easiest was just to put things in boxes and carts for the move. It’s also easier for me to just leave them that way, until she is in her final destination.


Where I am moving too, once my truck gets moving.

On top of that, I forgot to fill up the tank before I left the land, so I have to get containers of water every second day. Yesterday I dropped one and it literally exploded at my feet. Things have just not been going so well of late. But in saying that at least I got moved off the land.

Here’s hoping the new piece and fitting go well and then it’s off on adventure no.3, to get her round the very tight corner! At least, I can say my life is never dull. It’s bloody well exhausting though. Today I walked into town and back to get some supplies and returned with a headache and earache. Think I might have pushed myself too soon.

But I do have the night off as my friend came to pick up the girls, they will stay with her for the night and tomorrow she takes them to the snow. That also means I get to sleep in, which is something I am really looking forward too.





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