Living in Far North Queensland - Local Art - My neighbourhood vol.2

It's me again! ;)

Yesterday in - steemwars day: 6 - I mentioned about new post - here it is!
To show you more about daily life, I've picked my camera and went to the city.
Regular Thursday, nothing special. No parades, no special events. Average day in Port Douglas.
Today will write more about local art and artist :)

First things which I noticed that day were these beautiful portraits:




Then I politely asked if I can take some photos. She Was more thank happy to share that with me!
She had only one condition - to send those pictures to her too. Actually that was more request than condition. And of course i did it :)


Such a lovely lady! She said that she hate doing portraits from photography.
Those photos sent to her have never got as that good quality and light condition as drawing someone who sit next to you.
I totally agree! Amazing talent :)

Then I did some shopping and next to the entrance was sitting this guy:


He played so amazingly! I stopped for a good few minutes and just enjoyed his music! His passion was really contagious! :D

On the way to my next place i passed that little shop with local art:


My favourite one is 'For Fox Sake!'. It has to be mine! next time I will definitely buy it. that cup was calling me today...
As you can see on the picture - there are more of it, some of them were customised particularly for Port Douglas :)

And the last and the most important for me:

Local Art Gallery !

I went straight to the counter ask if I can do photos there, because that place is so beautiful!
I feel sorry for Aboriginal people... British colonialist took their land, treated them like animals and pushed to the edge of social life...
And still they are taking credits for 'Australian Art'
That is only one thing Australian should be ashamed of.

" The reconciliation movement is said to have begun with the 1967 referendum in which 90 per cent of Australians
voted to remove clauses in the Australian Constitution which discriminated against Indigenous Australians. "
'67 - really?!

" On the 13th of February 2008, the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, tabled a motion in parliament apologising to Australia's Indigenous peoples,
particularly the Stolen Generations and their families and communities, for laws and policies which had 'inflicted profound grief,
suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians.'
The apology included a proposal for a policy commission to close the gap between Indigenous
and non-Indigenous Australians in 'life expectancy, educational achievement and economic opportunity. "

The history of 'stolen generation' is very sad, but I'm happy that some one ( not some one - the Prime Minister!! ) finally said that precious words: " I'm Sorry "

If you guys have different opinion about that - please feel free to write it down. I always want to learn something from people who knows more than I do!

Here You go that piece of art which I was talking about:









My day finished with that view:



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