A day in the life of - RANT

I am on the bum end of a f#@k you kind of week and an oh my effing gosh kind of day. I never know what to post here, I'm usually, while quirky - somewhat reserved...I don't speak unless I really have something to say and have been accused of shying away when a 'bigger personality is in the room'. Well in the last week I have been accused of being a bad mother, have had my ex's family threaten to take my child away from me and been called a cnt by my ex's wonderful alcoholic and masogonistic father so today - I have something to say and it's this - I have never taken a hand out in my life, every thing I have I have earned and sweated for. I live and breathe my son, I have spent every minute of my time with him reinforcing how intelligent and kind and wonderful and interesting and important he is. I don't need the well heeled, 'we' re so much better than you' assholes giving me a life lecture and trying to intimidate me. If you don't have anything nice to say, shut the hell up, fit in or f*@k off and if you aren't adding value, step off. Honestly it's difficult enough being a full time parent while also trying to make enough money to keep the rent up and food on the table. Never mind keeping up your relationships so that you have sounding boards and people who give enough of a shit to include you in their plans.
Anyway, this is to all the single parents out there doing what they can to stay sane and smile every day and ignore all the nasty malicious crap that comes their way.

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