Uncertainty, death in the family, and a plea for help.


Hello, treewalker here. it has been a long time since my last post. I have been struggling with life as each blow has been dealt lower and each cut has dug deeper. Life never really promises prosperity and the only thing that is certain is death.

On July, 13th 2017 my mother died in her sleep leaving our family torn apart and heartbroken, I sobbed over her as I contemplated my own views on life and existence, calculating mistakes i have made along the way and remembering the advice my mother had given me in the past and how I may have taken it for granite.

Before my mother died we were struggling very hard to get the bills payed and keep our family together which was ever harder with the death of my grandfather on Christmas of 2016, ever since he died I could feel the decaying of emotion in this household and the fragile state of heartbreak just about to step over the edge of giving up. My mother left this world and my stepfather is left with the responsibility of paying the bills and the cost of her cremation.

I am in the process of relocating as I am expecting to become a father, my girlfriend Jessica s 3 months pregnant but we need a lot of help, I may not be staying with my stepdad but I feel some responsibility lies on me to help some of the cost, he had just enough money to pay the car insurance and the phone and internet bill is $200, currently he has $30 dollars to his name and I am desperately trying to find out what I am going to do because I have no idea what I need to do as a father to get ALL the help we need and my girlfriend and I am going to have to move from the temporary living arrangement that we currently occupy.

I thought about powering down but that would take too long, there is a Gofundme account for my mothers cremation and funeral costs but there is very little in the account as contributions have been sparce (https://www.gofundme.com/KarenLynPerryFinalcosts). This is gonna be one hell of an adventure but family must live on.

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