The Road to Jaw Surgery: The Journey of One Feisty, Little Lady!

We all wear many hats and have many titles throughout our lives. I'm sure many of you share the same titles with me: daughter, sister, friend, artist, barista, student, wive, military spouse, and I'm sure so many more. Each title has different purposes and meanings. For me, being a military wife is how I was able to find out that I was in need of Orthognathic surgery - otherwise known as "Jaw Surgery".

Josh, my awesome husband - The Traveling Tech Guy - and I moved from Philadelphia, PA to Virginia Beach, VA in August of 2013. We have a track record of moving every 2.32 years - isn't it fun to do the math?! Since we move often, we also change many other things often as well. One of those "things" is doctors. Can you imagine trying a new doctor every 2.32 years? Well, it's definitely got it's pros and cons and in this particular instance, it was a pro. At my routine cleaning, my new My dentist, Dr. Michele Mattioli at Konikoff Dentistry asked me a very simple question, "Is there anything you'd like to change about your smile?"

I had no idea that THAT simple question would go on to change my life. I explained to her that it always bothered me that I had an open bite and that my lower jaw seemed to be moving forward so I was getting an underbite. Her response was amazing, "I had the EXACT same problem. It can be fixed!" I was in shock. She went on to tell me that she had a wonderful Orthodontist for me to see, Dr. Carl Roy. So after my dentist appointment, I made an appointment the next week to meet with Dr. Roy and his treatment coordinator, Karen.

I was nervous and anxious for my appointment with Dr. Roy and Karen. I arrived to my appointment and was greeted by friendly faces. I waited just a minute before being introduced to my beautiful, blonde treatment coordinator, Karen. She explained to me that she too had been through this exact procedure. How cool, right? Then Dr. Roy, a gentle giant of a man, came in just a few minutes later and had me sit in the reclining chair in the office. He took one look at my mouth and said, "Yep. You're 100% a candidate for jaw surgery. This is how we get you started." ...

... the journey will continue ... stay tuned!

Cheers Steemit Universe!

Picture of me before braces in 2013!

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