An Empty Mind Is A Devil’s Workshop


The mind can be a really useful tool. In fact, it has proven to be the most useful tool for us because thanks to it we have been able to transform as a species from cave dwellers to the modern day humans we all are. Thanks to our intelligence, we have built great cities and technologies to aid our lives in every way imaginable and we are constantly looking for ways to advance forward.

But as it is often said, the mind can be a double edged sword. Meaning that it can be used in positive ways to give rise to good things in the world and it can also be used for negative ways to give birth to the horrors that we are already privy to since childhood. In our daily, normal lives too, we often lose control over our own minds and are plunged into the dark abyss of negative thoughts.

One thing that I have noticed and I am sure many of you might have noticed too is that most of the times the negative thoughts and feelings creep up when we are sitting idle. That is why there is an old saying, “An empty mind is a devil’s workshop.”

Keep Yourself Busy


We can choose who we let inside our houses and so we only allow family, friends or colleagues to enter our homes. Our minds are the same, though it is much harder to control what kind of thoughts enter our minds. That is the very nature of the human mind. It can be at one place in one moment and a completely different place the next.

Therefore, it is wise to not let it wander off all by itself. Who knows where it could go. Even if you have some down time, you should engage in something or the other to not be totally idle. One good thing about today’s world is that it keeps us all busy from the morning to the night and by nightfall, we are just too tired and we just doze off.

But still, there are many people, like students, or people when they fall sick or are on leave, that can have a ton of free time on their hands. Also, people in general have at least some moments of idle time in the day too and we should all use this time to keep ourselves busy.

What You Can Do


So, you must be asking yourself what you can do to pass your time. Well, there are a million options. You could watch TV shows and movies which are great for passing times, but I would recommend you to take on a hobby.

Let me tell you why. Watching movies is great and all but it is only entertainment. If you take on a hobby, you will be entertained as well as you will learn a new skill that you could potentially use in the future for any number of purposes, even earn something on the side. Every person has something they are interested in or a number of things, for that matter.

Some people like playing a musical instrument, some like dancing, some singing, some reading books and what not. I like cooking and trying out different recipes. So, you can imagine that doing any of these or any other thing that interests you can be really productive and can kill a lot of time. Also, you are spared by the devil that will try to enter your mind if you keep it empty.

Thanks to Steemit, I have been able to dedicate all my free time here and that has been a world of difference to me personally. Not only do I get to keep myself busy, but also I am able to share my different passions with so many amazing people here and at the same time, get paid to do so!

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