update mistery customer. Day 10

Just 2 days for the payment process, activities of yesterday reported the same amount or very the same as the day before, that means not much change on currency pairs, for binary options. As I said, I won't ask for any other payment till the amount asked is payed... in case is payed, I will start asking payments again.

Today I share the state of my account after operations, where you can see the banks used for trading. Also, the reason I need the money: I want to take a Master online in a great university, and it's not easy for people like me to get the money, grants season is ended in my country, and submissions are about to end; well, I finish with college (hopefully) in june, so it would be great to get all that steem to convert in money for the studies, my son will be very happy and many people just will go amazed, jealous or alike because they still believe I'm not attending college or my marks are really low. Let's make it easier, will we???? :D

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