What is the difference between intelligence & wisdom?

This is so so good ...
I had never known these profound distinctions between #intelligence and #Wisdom. Found it
#TooGoodNotToShare ..


1 Intelligence leads to arguments.
Wisdom leads to to settlements

2 Intelligence is power of will.
Wisdom is power OVER will

3 Intelligence is heat, it burns.
Wisdom is warmth, it comforts

4 Intelligence is pursuit of knowledge,it tires the seeker.
Wisdom is pursuit of truth, it inspires the seeker

5 Intelligence is holding on.
Wisdom is letting go

6 Intelligence leads you.
Wisdom guides you

7 An intelligent man thinks he knows everything.
A wise person knows that there is still something to learn

8 An intelligent person always tries to prove his point.
A wise person knows there really is no point

9 An intelligent person freely gives unsolicited advice.
A wise person keeps his counsel until all options are considered

10 An intelligent person understands what is being said.
A wise person understands what is left unsaid

11 An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something.
A wise man speaks when he has something to say

12 An intelligent man sees everything as relative.
A wise man sees everything as related

13 An intelligent person tries to control the mass flow.
A wise person navigates the mass flow

14 An intelligent person preaches.
A wise person reaches.

Intelligence is good
but wisdom achieves better results.

#HappyMonday 🙏

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