Whats on your mind? Facebook already knows and heres why!


So for a while now its been pretty common knowledge that social media sites and in particular Facebook have seemingly had the ability to listen in on physical conversations people are having and then, as if by magic, adverts surrounding those very same discussion points will appear on the persons news feed! There have been many experiments done on this where you can see just with a quick You Tube search. Where people have purposely spoken about something in particular to see if it crops up on their feed, which inevitably it does!


As if this isn't disturbing and intrusive enough it is quite clear now that it has been taken one step further by Mark Zuckerberg and his pals. Case in point I'l use myself as an example, I have a bucket list of goals I want to achieve in my life, one was to write a book which I have been fortunate enough to do recently, so there I was one day thinking about the next thing on my list which was to learn how to play a musical instrument, I was alone just thinking about whether it should be the saxaphone, guitar, or just a simple harmonica. Intermittently I started to get distracted by Facebook as you do and so I'm scrolling down my newsfeed and slap bang in my face are, not just one, but several advertisements to 'learn the guitar online' or 'digital saxaphone'! I had not spoken to anyone about this only thought about it yet there it was! I'm by far the only one this is happening to, many other people are starting to report the same.


This of course can only lead to a single possible explanation and that is something some of us have been aware of for a while, but never actually imagine we would see the day, that is there is MIND READING technology being used on humanity. Let that sink in for a minute, yes thats right MIND READING technology! Now I don't know about you but I must have missed the email that informed me that they were just going to go ahead and infiltrate my mind. If someone has got that email please forward it to me!


The irony of now living in a World where these giant corporate parasites like Google, You Tube, and Facebook are always badgering us about security, passwords, asking us whether we are robots, and locking us out of our accounts, yet at the same time siphoning our very thoughts and ideas from our consciousness!

As I say this is not a total surprise, I have written extensively about the rise of Artificial Intelligence and their growing capabilities in the last few weeks, this technology has been planned for a long time. For anyone who has read George Orwell's 1984 you will have heard of the 'thought police' people who were locked up because they had negative thoughts about government control, we are heading there folks. That book is now not in the fiction category I'm afraid, we are in those times right here, right now.


The worst part about this is that its not even been hidden, its right out there in the open and it has been since last year when Zuckerbery himself unveiled VR and AR software to develop a 'mind reading' brain interface. So my question is where is the uproar in relation to this demonic intrusion? If i was in a shop or library and I walked up to you and started to try and read your mind what would you do? You wouldn't be happy would you? So why do we just accept all this bs without even a whisper? How far are we going to let these nutcases take this? Until they fully control our minds or even who knows physical body? This cannot be right, not now, not ever, we have future generations depending on us to put a hault to this crap and its about time we started speaking up about it and saying its not ok!

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Tony Sayers,
Love, care, courage

Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'

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