Scarcity in a World of Abundance? Why?


Why do we live in such scarcity in a World with so much abundance? Nature provides so much there should never be any kind of lack. Look at Africa and the sheer amount of minerals and resources it has, its staggering that there are people starving to death in a continent that should be absolutely thriving, yet it has been on its knees for decades? The hypocrisy of the west once again is staggering, the very people that raped that land and caused all this poverty launching campaigns such as ‘Feed the World’. Funny how there is always money for War but never the poor though. Just one month that the US government spends on the military could solve the poverty crisis in Africa. So why isn’t that being done? So many questions and not enough answers.

We have to come away from thinking that society is like this by chance but not by design. Scarcity mind control keeps people in fear day after day. Fear of running out and not having enough. When you come from a place of fear the idea of challenging that system that feeds your daily scraps becomes even more frightening, people associate it with biting the hand that feeds you (even though its peanuts). What if the scraps dry up? Yet why does it have to even be scraps? Others don’t live off scraps, those who make the decisions of course. We’re conditioned to just have enough to get by that we cannot even imagine a life of abundance. Could it be that people on a subconscious level have such a low opinion of themselves that they feel that they don’t deserve it?


There are people that set these food and energy prices, the movers and shakers the REAL power players who are ensuring its more for them and less for everyone else. Work them to the bone so they are too exhausted to work out what is going on. This is what makes consumerism even more crazy in that people are under this scarcity mindset yet continue to buy more and live beyond their means. So again who is really to blame here? Is it the people setting the prices that dictate the amount of abundance available to the masses, or is it the masses themselves who never hold the people dictating to account and demand better, I would go one further and say we should stop looking for dictators altogether because it never works out well.

We are the cause of our own downfall in so many ways, once again greed, lack of care, and general apathy guarantees that we are fully taken advantage of. I sound like a broken record but it always comes back to that one issue, people need to start giving a fuck! The system has been cleverly set up to suit the system and its been allowed to happen pretty much unchecked. I would say that at this point in time if we are to want a more abundant World for ourselves then we are going to have to work for it, we have to earn it and undo hundreds of years of apathy and ignorance. The positives are that in terms of the general numbers we are in the majority compared to the people making the decisions, but people need to wake up and smell the coffee before its too late.


Tony Sayers,
Love, care, courage

Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'
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