
It is the tasks connected with the home that are the fundamental takes of humanity. If the mother does not do her duty, there will either be no next generation, or a next generation that is worse than none at all.
Mothers have a great deal to do with each child's health, education, personality , and emotional stability.

When it comes to stimulating a child's intelligence and curiosity, as well as developing his/her creativity, a mother's role is vital.

Clearly, a mother is essential to human life but her role involves far more than just bearing children. Regarding the role of mothers in most parts of the world today.

One of a mother's many functions is that of educating her children. A child's first words and its pattern of speech are usually learned from its mother. Thus a person's first language is often referred to as his mother tongue.

The mother generally spends more time with her children each day than her mate, so she may be their chief teacher as well as principal disciplinarian.

Education is breast fed, honor the mothers.

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