President Trump saves football and then?

sandro-schuh-143183(1).jpgI am sure it didn't take Google analytics or Scooby Do and the mystery Machine to find the clues about how Americans feel about the flag. It is along those same lines of thinking that you realize American Football is the crack cocaine of the nation. The Presidents recent 3D level chess moves prove a fatal misstep for the opposition. Either President Trump is strategic in all the necessary ways or he is incredibly fortunate. It is no accident he chose a lightening rod like the Flag and our Anthem to decimate his adversaries. I believe he knew there was an easy mark to exploit when the main stream media highlighted these protests. Americans are proud. Would you rather live in the worst city in the US or the best city in a country we are bombing? Of course that seems oppressive, it is. We oppress the rights of our perceived enemies. What is more amazing is the fact that if you ask these people which Country they would prefer to live in, you know the answer. Right or wrong we are at war. We are always at war. Just because a few people live without loss or sacrifice, doesn't lessen the patriotism (or feelings associated with it) of those people who survive the lost. Giving your life to further this Nation is done today, whether you like it or not. You may feel the way we accomplish these goals are wrong and those feelings are warranted and necessary and generally healthy to discuss, however visceral reactions of disrespect are the only feelings conveyed when some see a bent knee and hear the anthem playing, simultaneously. So as long as the NFL owners and players are committing this act, we will be in limbo as a Country. President Trump may save the NFL, but at this point I think it would take him getting on TV and sincerely asking people to return to watching it. I know it sounds odd. I think this is not so strange. If he does that or endorses another (patriotic) sport, then most will self correct and resume normal life. The irony is people who could otherwise give a rat's ass about the President will ALL appear to be pro Trump, but actually just pro Military. Is this all an elaborate psy op to bring us together before the real problems come? Just some thoughts. thanks for reading.

When you are with your family member who is a combat veteran and they loose their shit and put hands on someone, what then?

President Trump is a business man and those Stadiums were paid for by American dollars, so I doubt footballs destruction is his vision. Now the NFL may be another story.

Photo credit. sandro-schuh @ unsplash

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