I think it was on one of @stellabelle posts where I was commenting about how Steemit makes you open and quite sincere. It reminds me of people that just have this ability to make you talk about stuffs you normally would not talk about.

This is the case with ‘the other woman’; it is basically something that I normally would not talk about publicly maybe because of people’s opinion and all but really writing has been making me bolder about some certain things and this was even before Steemit. I decided that, the truth is readers would always interpret writings not just based on exactly what they are reading but also according to their experiences, perspectives and biases. So as a writer there is really not much you can do so why don’t you just go ahead and say what you want to say.

Anyways, back to the issue, I really don’t like talking about the other woman because I have once had an experience with it and trust me it was emotional hell for me. So what exactly do I want to say about the other woman and what pushed me this wonderful morning?

It might surprise you but it was a picture I found on instagram, the photographer is so talented and I fell in love with the way he captured the concept of the other woman immediately.

Screenshot-2017-11-15 Instagram post by Adrian McDonald • Sep 18, 2017 at 12 14am UTC.png
First thing that came to mind was a poem, that the picture so inspirational for a poem.

So I am going to write a poem right now, it is spontaneous and as I type these words I have nothing in my head for the poem but staring at the picture now, I am going to start one.

You do not utter her name

But I can feel her presence

Like a thick dark fog

Hanging over our expressions of love

You say she is your friend

But her eyes explains the lies

The look of pity she gives me

And the way she holds you tightly

In a friendly hug

The familiar way she tugs at your lobe

And the secret glances I always catch

Everything screams the truth to me

You kiss me passionately

But I can tell

You do not even know I am there

I hear the subtle comparisons

The ones you say ever so gently

Talking to me like I am the product of your loins

All so I can easily become her for you

I grace your bed at night

My confused head on your bare chest

Unconsciously or other wise

You push me away

I am not her and I can never be

So why do you lie to me

Why do you make me feel like I am all you have?

Why do you so royally fuck me up?

I hear the whispers of your friends

The way they mockingly call me ‘our wife’

While they laugh at my misery to come

Mama said ‘Love is war

You do not give up on who you love

You fight for them and with them

But first you fight for them’

I want to tell Mama that she was wrong

Some things are not worth fighting for

You do not force yourself on love

The person has to love you

And I have tried

Tried to love you regardless

Regardless of the fact that I smell her perfume on our sheets

That I see lingerie that is not mine

That you smile at the phone chatting with her

While I hold your hands

I loved you

But if you can teach the heart to love

Then you can teach it to unlove

So go darling

Go and love the other woman

And let me go and find my real other half

©Onashile Peace (tolarnee)

Wow, I just kept going without pause and I feel so lovely right now. I kind of promised myself not to edit it after I am done so what you have there is raw soulful expressions.

So all the stuffs I planned to say has been taken away by the poem, there are majorly philososphical questions and
experiences but since the poem has taken so much space I would have another post just for it, so anticipate!!

If this touched a string somewhere in your body, then don’t you forget to comment, upvote and resteem. Much much love people!!!

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