Do It Scared.

Do you realize that each day you are invited into someone else’s story? And whether you choose to ignore them or not, these little gems will continue to arrive in your life until the day you leave this earth. The problem is that we’re so busy trying to be awesome that we’ve overlooked something incredible.

Have you ever wondered what would happen to you if you were to press the pause button at any given moment of your hectic day and really focus on that person in front of you?

Every. Single. Person. If we allow them has the potential to shape a part of who we are.

I’ve decided to do something. I will learn ONE NEW THING from someone every day.

Maybe it'll be a silly little hack or something truly life changing. It might come from a stranger I’ve just met or someone I’ve loved my whole life. But I'll learn something.

And I’ll share it with you.

Here's My First...

She’s blonde, well-spoken, and absolutely gorgeous. But my new friend confided something this morning that kind of blindsided me. Through tears, she told me that her life is completely controlled by fear, insecurity, and doubt. I am speechless. You’d never know it. She’s pretty amazing. She has raised six kids (SIX KIDS!) and has a servant heart unlike most I’ve seen.

And I’m not believing that each and every morning she crawls out of bed and smacks into a brick wall called fear.


I’m so humbled that she feels safe enough to share her pain and I can’t help but wonder something and have to ask.

“How do you accomplish all you do in a day in spite of such paralyzing fear?"

And you know what she said? Wait for it...

"I Do It Scared."

Wow. It sounds easy—its not. Not for her and countless others.

Those three words are so powerful. They assure us that just because fear is a part of the equation doesn’t mean it’s a wrong choice that will end up bad. We have lots of choices in life. So choose well.

And if you have to, Do It Scared.

Thanks for stopping by. :)

Image Credit: Pixabay

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