Social Anxiety Disorder: Life Wrecker

Most of the people believe that phobias are fictional, all in the mind of the person. But, phobias are real. They can make a person’s life a living hell. There are different phobias, some of them are commonly known while the others are not. A type of phobia that we have heard about, quite a lot is social anxiety disorder or social phobia
A phobia in which a person has extreme fear of being in social or performance situations is called social anxiety disorder. A person who has this phobia is afraid of being scrutinized, embarrassed and judged. Social anxiety disorder is not just a simple shyness or fear. It can ruin the lives of those people who are suffering from it. According to the ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, “There are about 15 million American adults who have social anxiety disorder. The typical age of onset: 13 years old and 36 percent of people with social anxiety disorder report symptoms for 10 or more years before seeking help.”

Being exposed to huge amounts of stress, problems at work, dysfunctional relationships, insurance issues, taxes, children’s misbehavior and the likes are factors that contribute to the development of such psychological disorder. But, what really causes social anxiety disorder?
Biologically, social anxiety disorder (SAD) is related to a dysfunction of brain circuits responsible for regulating emotions. A brain structure called amygdala plays a role in controlling fear response. If a person has an overactive amygdala then that person will overreact to a certain situations that make him or her feel uncomfortable. In other hand, the environment we live in also affects our emotions. The first social interactions people make in his or her life is connected to his or her parents. It is when they learned about the basic social rules. How does it feel to be loved and to be ignored, being accepted and being humiliated. In addition, the parent’s way of dealing with their child influenced their child’s personality. According to Cheryl Carmin, a psychiatrist, and a of the clinical psychology training program at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, parents are often responsible for developing social anxiety in a child. “A parent or a significant adult figure may model that it’s appropriate to be anxious in situations where your performances will be evaluated. For example, a parent who is commenting on being nervous about a performance review or who tells their child to not be anxious before their first “show and tell” may be priming the child to, in fact, be anxious in that situation. It’s also quite possible that any number of these factors interact,” says Dr. Carmin (Live Science).
There are so many reasons behind the development of social anxiety disorder but they can be classified into two: biological and environmental.
Life with social anxiety disorder is not that easy. Social anxiety disorder affects the person’s way of living. In each day, people who have that phobia are dealing with fear, apprehension, avoidance and uneasiness. They are always worried about things that is not that really relevant. And they always keep things within themselves because they are afraid to talk to somebody. They are really trying hard to keep things in secret because they are scared that others may find out something. They are too conscious while walking in public because they are over thinking and they taught that all of the attentions are into them.
Social anxiety disorder didn’t just affect the everyday living of a person but also to some particular aspects in his or her lives. A person who has social anxiety disorder may have a difficulty in finding a job. Since that person has a social phobia, he or she is afraid to engage in a conversation to other people which is very needed because in working, you’re not working by yourself, you are working with the people around you and proper channeling is highly required. The person who has the said psychological disorder will be having a hard time in maintaining a social contact.
In some cases, people with social anxiety disorder will be most likely to be alone. It will be difficult for other people to keep in touch with them. They cannot keep an eye contact while talking and they are not that expressive. It will be hard for those people who are suffering from social anxiety disorder to open up their thoughts and feelings to their peers or to the people that surrounds them. It will be difficult for them to keep a hold in different kinds of relationships. The fear of social situation may lead to vices and if not treated, it can cause a worse problem in addition to their burden.
A way to treat a person with social anxiety disorder is to undergo some therapy, medications and psychological counseling. A person with social phobia needs a face to face interaction with someone whom he or she can trust. However, a person with this psychological disorder must have the willingness to get a treatment and must have the courage to face his or her own problem first to make it easier for other people to assist him or her.
Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. Those who have this psychological disorder have few or no social or romantic relationship that lessens their self-esteem and making them feel powerless. There are many times they were seen by others as being shy, quiet, backward, withdrawn, inhibited, unfriendly, nervous, aloof, and disinterested. In paradox, people with social anxiety want to make friends, be included in groups, and be involved and engaged in social interactions. But, having the social anxiety disorder constrains them to do things they want to do. There are a lot of reasons on how does social anxiety disorder develop to oneself but are categorized into two: biological and environmental. Life with SAD is a mess for a person’s side. They can’t keep things in place for them. They are always not sure on what to do. They keep on over thinking. Though, it can be treated. Engaging into psychological counseling, therapy and some sort of medications. However, it’s on the person on how he or she is going to support himself or herself for him or her to get free from such social phobia and to be enabled to live a simple and normal life.

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