

Start with WHY, an incredible book I finished by Simon Sinek. I remember when I was in my 20's and someone asked me "Why do you do what you do?" and I didn't know the answer. I pondered the question as it took me many years to understand the question. I was just going to my job day in and day out, not understanding that I had choices in life. Some people call it your "Why" others also call it your "Purpose."


This brings me back to a video I made a few of years ago, it gets me each time I view it. Our family enjoys sports and my boys like being active. My boys are the reason I get up each morning and why I do what I do. I want to be the best father that I can become, provide them the tools necessary to become great adults and to teach them what life is all about.

What is your WHY? Maybe it’s for your kids/family, to free up time (the number 1 commodity that you have), getting free of debt, leaving a legacy, becoming financially free, helping people that are looking for a hand up or freedom. Your "why" can change over time. Whatever it is, work on defining it now, it will propel you to a more meaningful and inspired life!

Be your best!

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