Have troubles getting motivated to clean?

Have troubles getting motivated to clean? I completely understand. Cleaning is not my favorite things to do. So, over the years, I have come up with little games and challenges to help me at least get the ball rolling. Also, there are extra ideas that I haven't tried, yet. :D Here's some ways to make things a little more interesting while you clean:

  1. My TV resides in the closet for now. I don't know why I am still holding on to it but I used to watch it. So, if you enjoy watching TV, on every commercial break, attack the biggest mess in your house. That way you still get to enjoy some entertainment but you have the satisfaction of knowing you have at least accomplished something to improve your living space.
  2. Or every commercial spend it straightening up/cleaning a different room.
  3. Enjoy watching movies? Pause the movie every 30 minutes or so, especially if you have a family or group of people who live with you. Everybody takes 5-10 minutes to do dishes, laundry, food prep, etc.
  4. Set a timer and clean each room for 5, 10, or 15 minutes.
  5. Put your earbuds in, or jam your stereo and every time a song ends, it's time to switch tasks or rooms.
  6. Decide that you are not going to have down time until you at least put away 30 dishes or fold 30 laundry items.
  7. Don't leave the house until the dishwasher and/or laundry machines are going. That way work is getting done at your house while you are gone. :D
  8. Put away or clean 30 things in each room.
  9. Get your roommates or family members to help you clean quickly for 15 minutes. It's amazing what team work does!!
  10. I learned this from someone else, each time you walk out of a room, take something with you that needs to go in that direction. This is such a time saver and I am surprised by how much this helps me.

Did you know that clutter and messes can encourage feelings of Depression, Hopelessness, and Stress? I am in no way a clean freak, far from it, but I am thankful for the peaceful feeling I get when my house isn't a wreck, :D I hope this is an encouragement to you or someone you know.
Happy cleaning for all you people out there! :D

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