Googles fully self driving cars, should they be a thing?

So, I've been doing a lot and I mean a lot of research on this topic for quite some time now. If you are unfamiliar with this Invention let me explain it to you.

Google, Is working on the "First ever" Self-driving cars. We currently already have Teslas that can practically self drive they just need a little guiding. Teslas can drive you from point a to b however if the system is unsure of itself it'll ask the driver to put their hands on the wheel. However, Google is attempting to introduce a new idea. A car that can fully drive itself without any human actions necessary. Google has been working on this for some time now, and in the news you may have heard of times these cars have crashed. Here is an image of one of the vehicles below. lead_960_540.jpg

Every time one of these car accidents happened involving the Google self driving car, It was always blamed on human error says Google. So can these systems ever be perfect? Well the answer is no. The reason I say no is because even if the system was flawless it would effect many other things around us. For instance, Shortly after these become available things like Taxi drivers, Bus drivers, Delivery workers, and many other jobs would be put out of work. Now if you live in the United States, many are struggling to find a job already. But if these industries were to stop employing people it'd put almost 4 million more people out of work. Which would be loss of annual wages of approximately $148,063,599,000.00 Now thats a ton of money that would affect out economy greatly and here is a chart showing it.
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All though, there is of course some benefits as well. For instance, less casualties and car accident based injuries. However with that being said, now we are losing wages in hospitals and doctors offices. Incidents like natural disaster, car accidents, and disease are never something good but without them the world would overpopulate. Another benefit would be less air pollution and money saved on gas. But according to CNBC not all of these cars will be electric. So with not many solid benefits that leaves one question for you.

Do the positives out weigh the negatives? and Should self driving cars be our future?

(I am a very open minded person and think constantly of how I feel the world will progress. However, I do not feel that these cars should necessarily be our future. Unless there is better statistics shown then this)
Thank you for reading my post, I'd love to hear ideas about this topic.

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