Dear God you are responsible not me!


The Holy Bible, The Holy Geeta, and the Holy Quran tell us that God is omniscient!
He knows everything. GOD HAS FOREKNOWLEDGE!
Everything that will ever happen in your life is already known to god and is written.
Even the fact that you are reading this post is written in his books since you came to life.
This is something that you hear a lot if you are from an Indian family.

Just imagine there is a man "X" and a man "Y".
Man "X" was a criminal and drug dealer while man "Y" was a benevolent family guy who worked at a special need kids NGO.
Yesterday Man "X" saw Man "Y" and while trying to loot him of his belongings and snatching man "X" shot man"Y" dead.
According to Hindu mythology, man "X" will go to Naraka.

Naraka (Sanskrit: नरक) is the Hindu equivalent of Hell, where sinners are tormented after death. It is also the abode of Yama, the god of Death. It is described as located in the south of the universe and beneath the earth.

Holy Quran mentions clearly the Divine punishment for the murderers.

“And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is Hell; he shall abide in it, and Allah will send His wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement.” (Surah an-Nisā’ 4:93)

According to the Holy Bible verses

Genesis 9:6 - Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

I agree that Murder is the most gruesome act done by any human and taking lives of others is an unforgiveable crime.

BUT wasn't god the one who planned all this in advance?

He was the one who planned that man "X" will murder man "Y" on said date.
It was his version of man "X" that made him a criminal!
He planned that man "X" will do wrong and illegal things and become a criminal and one fixed day will murder man "Y" who is a kindhearted man and works at the NGO.
Man "X" killing was done in the exact manner that GOD wrote in his books and knew when man "X" came to life.
Then why should soul of man "X" be thrown into the hell and tortured while man "Y" be offered heaven?
He perfectly executed the task that God expected and planned him to do.
Am I making any sense?
What are your thoughts?
P.S I am not any kind of extremist or disbeliever. I have seen and experienced miracles happen and believe in an eternal force that makes the world go round.
Source for Image

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