Battle I lose everyday but HE won!

This post is written by a friend who quit smoking a long time ago and I am trying to Quit it but failing every day!

Funny part is I have tried Self Hypnosis like Chandler too :P

“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.”

– Mark Twain

Stop kidding yourself. You are not prepared to quit smoking.

But that's alright. The sooner you accept that you're not ready, the sooner you'll have the capacity to stop for good.
I smoked for more than 4 years of college.I have tried quitting it 20+ times. A few endeavors lasted a couple of days.Others kept going even for a month.
They(attempts) got one thing in common. — I was not prepared.

Not convinced? Still, believe you're prepared? Fine. Answer this:
At this instant, right now, will you be able to truthfully say that you are prepared to never take another puff from a cigarette? Not one single puff. From right at this point.

If your answer is a "nope," or in the event that you found yourself arguing terms of the question, then you're not prepared yet. However, I already knew your answer. How could I know? Because you are still reading.

One Step One Punch One Round at a time
I am pretty sure many of you remember this. For others, it's a dialogue from movie "Creed"-Rocky Balboa series.
Try not to think about quitting it for life. Just resist yourself for one day "Today".
Time will add up! When you'll look back you'd have many smoke-free days under your belt! That really helps to stay positive.
But even before you start to think about quitting you need to accept that you are an addict! There is no shame in accepting this. I was an addict and I quit smoking for good!

Are you bargaining in the back of your head? Are you trying to justify a time to come where you can smoke? In that case, forget it. You won't be able to quit ever like that!
Personally, I think you may be an alien in disguise or not human for sure. I really wanted to be one like you but it was never the case. I was an addict and probably are too.
Nobody is asking you to quit now. You can set a date in your mind that I'll quit smoking on this exact date. But once you do you can't ever smoke again!
There is no need to be stressed-out for the fear of quitting and never getting to smoke again. RELAX. You ain't quitting now!
If you have read till here then I can guarantee you stopped enjoying smoking like you used to in the initial days.
Now you do it because you're addicted and you'd feel terrible if you didn't smoke.
Brace yourself to hear something unusual!
For 1 month, I want you to savor each smoke puff you take.
This time guilt-free worry-free and shame-free.
But that being said you should start doing some exercises or reading a book or yoga for just 5 minutes every day.
Do this for 3 weeks and enjoy each cigarette you smoke and decide a date when you'll quit it for good with no chance to befriending smoking again.
This attempt at quitting smoking will be your last. Either Do it or do not.
But make sure you pick the date far enough so that you can do two things for at least 3 more weeks:
1 ) Enjoy Smoking
2 ) 5 Minute exercise of your choosing.

With the Final day ascending throw out all the ashtrays leaving one for last days, get rid of your emergency stock of cigarettes, inform your friends you're going to quit but more importantly remind yourself why you want to quit smoking and what good will it be for you and your family.
When the big day arrives smoke your last cigarette in the night before so you can your day start afresh with a fresh start of life!
Not going to sugar coat, there will be withdrawal symptoms and it will be rough for a few weeks. AND experiencing the hell of withdrawal is a very important part of the equation of quitting.
Every one of those seemingly insignificant things that you're stressing over now — how you will drink tea or coffee without a smoke, how you'll go to a bar and what you will do after having a meal — the greater part of that stuff will appear to be unimportant once you've broken the addiction.
I know what you are thinking right now, It's hard to imagine life without smoking infact you might be stressed after reading this and might light one but from where I'm standing It's hard to imagine life WITH it.
Take it from me- It's worth it!

"You are greater than your addiction."
-Nasia Davos

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