And I Thought That Only Us Americans Were This Insane!

WTF is Wrong with People Nowadays!?!?

Originally, I was just going to post the funny video (it's actually pretty sad in other ways as well) that I've included below, and of course, also add some snarky commentary and jokes, but I started thinking more and more about how we as humans interact with each other and how we are rapidly devolving into a world that lacks humanity and compassion for one another.

With each and every passing day, I have a growing urge to remove myself from modern society, whether it be due to the crazy political atmosphere here in the US, or me just coming in contact with an exceptionally bad human at some point during the day. Humanity seems to be slipping away from society at an alarming and exponentially increasing rate, and I just don't have much hope or optimism left for the human race as a whole. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely some very good people out there that are working dilligently to make a positive difference in their lives and the world around them, but the ever-growing tsunami of negative forces seem to negate and overpower the few positive forces that remain.

People are so detached from one another nowadays and focus on the differences among one another, as opposed to seeing the similarities that we all share and working to objectively relate to the common hopes and dreams that we as human beings almost all share. Regardless of an individual's race, religion or political affiliation, we all go through our lives seeking common things such as companionship, love, community, financial stability, and in general living what we deem as a happy & healthy life. If you were to honestly engage in conversation with someone who you considered the polar opposite of yourself, it's more likely that you would find that the two of you share much more in common than the often petty differences that we've learned to focus on the most. The problem though, is that most people never even get to the point of having a meaningful discussion with each other, because they either try to avoid those who they feel are "different" entirely, or the limited contact that they do have focuses on the perceived differences between them and quickly gets to be confrontational. People seem to believe that if they disagree with someone else, that the other person doesn't even deserve their common decency and respect, as if the person is their mortal enemy.

Case in point is a "news" story that's been making the rounds today, which features a woman who went into a Tim Horton's coffee shop in Langley, British Columbia, Canada and was apparently asking to use the restrooms (the video has no audio, but that's what was being reported by the media). The staff denied the woman access to the restroom, which led to a heated argument where the woman started acting erratically, screaming and waving her arms at the staff. The woman then grabs a handful of napkins from one of the dispensers and proceeds to pull her pants down to her ankles, leans against a dividing wall by the cash register, and then takes a big dump on the floor, right in front of the staff and customers! Even worse, she then picks up her freshly defecated excrement and proceeds to throw it at the staff! Just when I thought that I had seen it all, some crazy, self-entitled nut job like this lady comes along and pushes the envelope a bit further! For real though - can our society get any worse?

Original video courtesy of LiveLeak (and subsequently re-posted to YouTube)

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