Don't just swing your hands when you are getting your ass kicked-Grow Up


Psychoanalysts claim that the human phych swings like a pendulum between two conditions. The condition of security and the condition of exploration. Imagine a little kid at a dinner party, it is bound to leave its parent's side at some point to go play by itself (exploration stage). But in case it gets hurt in someway or scared it can always go back to its parents cry and seek comfort (comfortable stage). We follow this pattern of behaviour throughout our whole lives. We have people and places that resemble our security stage and we go out of our comfort zone in order to make things happen.
Many people nowdays seek more and more security, they want to avoid pressure, stress and discomfort so they compromise with a downgraded sense of achievement and creativity just to feel secure.
On the opposite side if a person faces the hardships of life with a growth mindset and a belief that he can evolve through every situation he gets into, then stepping back into his comfort zone is out of question.
No pain no gain sure sounds sadistic but it has its portions of truth. If we realise how natural it is to feel insecure and uncomfortable in some situations then the next step is to embrace it, and believe in us, believe in a future version of us who can handle the pressure that makes people to want to give up so badly.
We need to adress the emotions that come with certain situations, acknowledge them and understand ourselves better in order to perform even better the next time things go the same way.
It feels like an emotional beat up, I know but when it goes down to that don't just swing your hands desperately trying to get out of that situation, stay calm, take calculated decisions and above all believe that you will grow stronger every time you are put under pressure. Don't be afraid to look at yourself truly.
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