maybe you were everything..

you’re this wonderful representation of love. sure, you’re imperfect but you try your hardest for the ones you care about. your kind heart has become familiar with heartache as you often find yourself struggling with the idea of starting over without the person you thought you needed. things go wrong even as you try your hardest to keep it together and yet somehow you feel guilty for doing nothing more than simply demanding what you deserve. it hurts my heart to know that the woman reading this caption has somehow gotten to the point where she thinks it’s all her fault and so she willingly puts up with b.s. from the one person who no longer deserves her energy. you take them back because for some odd reason you’ve grown accustomed to the pain and disappointment and it hurts your soul because you’ve done all you can to prove that you’re worthy of someone who will never be worthy of you. i’ll be honest, even though you sometimes feel broken, even though you sometimes feel like a mess. you are allowed to be imperfect. you are allowed to be demanding. you are allowed to be upset. no one is allowed to make you feel bad for simply loving and wanting to be loved. no one is allowed to take advantage of your kindness. don’t let the person who will never live up to the standards of love that you deserve, somehow make you feel like it’s your fault for giving a damn about them. don’t let that person make you feel like it’s your fault that things aren’t working out. stop trying to keep a person who doesn’t deserve to stay. stop fighting for someone who is too weak to fight for you and the relationship. too often, the heart of a powerful woman falls into the hands of a someone who is too much of a coward to even appreciate the woman who loves them. it’s not your fault that they could never live up to what they promised. maybe this helps, maybe it won’t but still, i’m not giving up on you.

soo this is my first post by motivate you on love .i know this is not the best i am trying to do so actually to be very honestly i need to know some more about @steemit ..
but still write your previous in the comment section below thank you

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