Indesposed today

I hate Migraines, there is nothing worse than waking up with a spilitting headache and severe sensitivity to light.

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So in my house we have a safety rule when it comes to pain meds, always eat before taking any kind of pain meds... Yeah that was a bit of a problem, the pain was so bad I was going to throw up.

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Fortunately for me, I had a migraine cocktail at home. Down side, I'm still whoosy from them (the migraine cocktail consists of 5 or 6 different pills, I imagine people feel like this on morphine)

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I need to remember to have my husband get a replacement kit for the emergency one I used today.

Hope you all are doing good, it seems like it's about to rain and I'm so happy about that. It's been so hot today, hobbits tried throwing a ring into my back yard.

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