The problem of the century: THE OVERLOAD OF INFORMATION!!


Today I'm going to write about something very serious. I've been a steemian for a week and in that time I've been adapting to this fascinating world. I did several posts testing what I could write to be "accepted" by this community. The curious thing about this test is that of all my posts, the one that returned more money to me was the one that I supposedly added less value to community.
What does that mean exactly? I simply have no idea, but I was able to ask myself several things about it and draw some conclusions.

Well, to better understand this post I divided it into two parts: Questions and Conclusions.


Didn' t I express myself correctly?

Don't I have enough visibility?

Isn't my content good enough?

Do people want to read about what I write?

Do people really read what I write?

Is it better to add value or make money? Can I do both?


In today's world people are more superficial and selfish.

People are not prepared for the excess of information that the virtual world offers.

The world is increasingly capitalist.

Creating good content is extremely difficult.

People want to be millionaires before they get rich.


Overall Conclusion:

In my opinion, the crux of the conclusions is: ** the human being is not prepared for the excess of information **, it may seem exaggerated on my part, but stop to think what the "HAILSTORM" of information can cause:

-Excess of comparisons: people in your social networks only put their good moments, travels, achievements, loves ideas, parties ... This often causes an unfair comparison with who is seeing. Why? When you see only the "good" part of someone's life you forget that behind all this there are millions of problems and battles that this person faced to reach these achievements. Once I heard a very interesting sentence that I will share with you:

"Never compare your rack to someone else's stage"

Many and many times we are envious and we find that people have come to their success easily and forget that we do not know what battles and obstacles this person has gone through to be there.

-Lack of focus: currently people believe that they can be multitasking, this is impossible. If you think you are doing so many things at once in a great way, YOU ARE FOOLING YOURSELF. Even computers don't things at the same time despite the multitasking concept making us believe in that. On computers, tasks are staggered in different ways which makes them seem like they are done at the same time, but what happens is that the higher priority tasks are done while others wait, but this is done so fast that we do not even notice it. So doing things "at the same time" does not exist. Take the test of focusing on just one thing at a time to see how your work will be more productive and faster.

-Assessment: Nowadays with communication being so instantaneous people are getting more and more anxious. This is funny because in the old days for two people, from different countries, communication was with letters and that took months. People today send a message to whatsapp and if you do not respond within minutes they get crazy.

-Difficulty of relationships: currently relating is increasingly difficult, not just lovingly, but even friendship relationships are complicated. A good example for this is the family lunch, this moment simply DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE!! Today each family member is on their cell phone talking to other people or simply seeing news, social networks, etc. The moment everyone gathered, they asked about their day, they told stories, they laughed, it DISAPPEARED!

Well if i'd write about everything that I believe is happening today would be very extensive the post. I'm sorry if the post was too aggressive, but I hope it touched you somehow.

Thanks for reading and the comments will be very welcome.

Ricardo Farah

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