Deleting And Deprogramming The CONFORT ZONE


One of the reasons why we constantly desist from doing all this work of deprogramming and, in general, working on our personal growth, is the concept of the comfort zone that we all know about, at least in the psychological field. We are going to explain the programming and the reason for the existence of a comfort zone from the point of view of manipulation and control, because nothing was left randomly when the human race was created by genetic manipulation, and many of the its components, structures and "parameters" of operation were modified and created.

The standard definition of the comfort zone is the well-known quote: "Better the devil you know than the angel you don't. And it is that when we find ourselves with the things that we are not accustomed to, they go out of what we dominate or of what is routine, different mental and energetic mechanisms are put in motion that restrain us, up to a point, depending on the person , to stop doing it, to do half way, or to give up completely if the resistances that lie ahead are many things that seem very complicated to us.

Several factors intervene in this process. First, a comfort zone is extended or modified by the power of the human will, with the will being an archetypal energy imbued in every conscious being that facilitates its "pulling forward in pursuit of the attainment of its needs", and this concept applies to all living beings. Therefore, the will is an unstoppable energy that comes from the connection with our being or Higher Self and, therefore, at the moment in which our genetists had to make decisions about how to prevent the human being, (after the firsts genetic manipulations) could have the will to do what our creators did not want us to do, it was necessary a control mechanism that slows down the impulses that could not be stopped naturally, because you can not remove the will of any living being or turn it off or drain it completely. As such, you could only insert a mechanisms that use another existing force in the cosmic laws and in the processes of creation of all that exists, the processes of "opposing forces" and "cause and effect", that set in motion an opposite force of equal in a way to block the human being: Thus a formula to block and diminish the human potential that we possess if we apply the will to the things we want to do, so that, by strengthening the concept of the opposing forces and amplifying it, they could make the psycho-energetic perception of anything what we would like to achieve and "move forward" (that could go against their purposes or the control system), could be counteracted by the amplification of the force that is opposed in a natural way and by the operation of universal laws, and it can be so big that we can desist, and in most cases, we do.

In this way, the energetic concept of the comfort zone was born, consisting of a program imbued in several mental layers, mainly the subconscious, through which the negative perception of what is a challenge, a change, an adjustment in our life, a problem to solve, it is an obstacle to overcome. Since all this requires a certain will to carry it out, and the will is amplified by the Higher Self at all times in which it requires that its "embodied" part, that its personality commanded by the physical body, take the reins to do something, then this programming is set in motion to try that the personality, which is ultimately the one that has to execute things, by activating different routines in the ego program, consider that it is not worth the effort, or consider that if it costs a lot of time, many resources and is not feasible in the short term, then, in general, the programs of "abandonment", "put aside" and "move on to do other things" that we already dominate , they do not require more effort, and they keep us within acceptable limits due to the programming we have.

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