My Predictions for 2017


A lot of news organisations are making their 2017 predictions so I thought I might do some of my own. It is also a nice opportunity for me to pull out some cool stock images.

Some of these predictions are obvious or mundane. Some are a bit crazy but hopefully you find them fun nevertheless.

I will keep it brief due to the reasons I explained yesterday.

Block-chain Based

  • Bitcoin exceeds and makes a new floor at $1K I think this is a safe bet really and to be honest well overdue.
  • Bitcoin replaces the dollar as the unofficial currency of choice in failed states and cases of hyperinflation. I think we are already seeing this in some cases.

  • Venezuela starts selling oil in Bitcoin? (See also petro-dollar prediction.)
  • ZCash becomes number 2 cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin.
  • Ethereum continues it's downturn and reaches sub $1 levels before it starts to see a gradual increase in confidence again.

  • Steem hits the $1 dollar level again and establishes that as a consistent floor. It becomes the number 3 cryptocurrency. OK so I'm a bit biased here but I think it is possible!
  • First small nation or pricipality anounces plans to start moving their currency to a blockchain based system.

General Tech

  • First functional quantum computer with more than 2 qubits announced. (OK a longshot but could happen).
  • President Trump announces a JFK like plan to send first humans to Mars within 7 years along with new enhanced public/private partnerships to begin working on lunar colonisation and space mining.
  • A private space flight company surprises everyone by successfully sending a craft into space and returning it safely ahead of previous predictions.
  • LG abandons LCD production to focus solely on OLED screens. Other manufaturers start producing their own OLED panels.

  • With 4K barely through the door manufacturers of TVs start pushing out 8K models and a Japanese company shows their prototype for a 16k set.
  • First major hard drive manufacturer stops making magnetic hard drives, or spins off (pun intended) and sells their magnetic drive business to a competitor.
  • First VR injury or health related lawsuit is announced - may be even a class action lawsuit. Opthalmologists and opticians argue for a ban on anyone under 16 using VR headsets along with calls for legislation.

  • First artificially grown pancreas from a patients own stem cells is grown and surgically implanted curing the patient of type I diabetes - wishful thinking for me I suppose but it can't be far off.
  • First licenses granted for the use of Bacteriophages to treat bacterial infections in humans/animals.

  • First plans announced for a mass produced flying car. The company that announces it becomes a huge success before getting derailed by legal problems and never being heard from again.
  • First official "sex" robot is released.


  • Collapse of the petro dollar system and switch to sales in multiple currencies. OPEC starts to break down.

  • One or more further EU countries announce their own referenda on exit prompting sharp falls in the Euro and economic turmoil.

  • UK government announces plans for mandatory ID cards for everyone.


OK so what do you think? Are any of these possible or likely? Perhaps you think they are too obvious.

Do you have any of your own? Please have your say in the comments.

The crazier or funnier they are the better!

Hopefully we can revisit them next year and see if any came true!

Thank you for reading.

"I see lots of nuts....."

If you like my work please follow me and check out my blog - @thecryptofiend

All uncredited photos are taken from my personal Thinkstock Photography account. More information can be provided on request.

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