What If we have chosen the wrong end of the stick??

Actions and their consequences are deeply linked but the real fact about them is that we are free to choose actions but their consequences are not in our hands. We think that we have control over the consequences but this is not 100% true. Consequences are governed by Natual Laws. We are free to be hit by a fast-moving train, but we can't definitely predict what will happen when the train hits us, weather we will die or got severely injured.

Our behaviour is governed by principles. If we live in accordance with them, positive consequences will be there. If we try to cheat and violet them, negative consequences are bound to happen.

When we pick up one end of the stick we pick up the other also. It can't be avoided in doing so. There are many moments in our life when we have picked up what we later realised was the wrong stick. If you were given a second chance to select the stick, we would make it differently. We call these choices mistakes and they deepen our thoughts.

Mistakes are unavoidable and they are inseparable parts of our lives. But our approach towards them is of significant importance. As soon as we make a mistake, we should acknowledge it instantly, correct and learnt from it. This way a failure turns into a great success.

IBM founder T. J. Wadson said "Success is on the first side of failure."

Not to accept a mistake, not to correct it and learn from it is a mistake of a different order. People start self-deceiving themselves and this involves rational lies to self and others.

Other people or our own mistakes do not hurt us the most, it is our response to those things. It is like catching the poisonous snake that bites us will only make our whole system full of poison. It is far better to take measures how to get the poison out of the body rather than chasing that snake.

Our response to any mistake decides the quality of the next moment. so it is utterly important to acknowledge it at its very origin and correct it so that it has no power over the next moment and we are empowered again.

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