San Diego Comic Con Was On And There's Nothing I Want To Watch!

Maybe this makes me crazy? You tell me ...

Being someone who exclusively gets all her entertainment off the internet when con's are on I generally know I'm in for a weekend packed with videos from my favourite content creators. I watch the Hearthstone and WoW panels and the cosplay and dance comps  at Blizzcon; E3 is always a big weekend in my house, not for the consoles but for the developers. But with Comic Con this year? There's been nothing I'm hyped for, nothing I have been desperate to see.

I might upset some of you now - Marvel v DC? Don't care. It's only in the last three years that I learnt Batman is a DC character. And before you say well of course that's why you don't like Comic Con ... you don't like comics, well that's not really relevant anymore is it? Maybe it did start in 1970 as an actual comic book convention but now it's gone more mainstream, movies you might not expect to see there are there, the new version of "Stephen King's It" for instance.

One of the things I was faintly excited to see was an interview with the director,  Andy Muschietti. A channel called  ColliderVideos had a whole 15 minute interview with him. Tiny problem, he was hungover and incredibly mumbly. I can't blame him really, if I was at a party where everyone was talking about the thing I'd made, I'd probably get pissed too. I only got halfway through before I realised I hadn't heard a word of it.

I did watch the Game of Thrones panel which was missing all but one of my favourite actors from the show and I was struck by the difference reactions the actor's answers were getting. Lovely Sophie Turner, who I remarked had a suit on reminiscent of Mr Majicka, didn't seem to be getting many cheers at all, and John Bradley-West (Samwell before you go look up who that is, I had to ... ) seemed unable to stop rambling at one point when talking about how much he (Samwell) adored Jon. It was pretty cringy.

And that's it! No live Movie Fights from Screen Junkies which they've had a whole hall for at Comic Con before. This year they filmed at a club (I think it's a club) in front of a live studio audience (again, I assume this happened this way, I haven't seen it yet). It's also Kevin Smith vs Elijah Wood - this I know for a fact due to their tweeting about it all weekend but there's no sign of that being uploaded.

This is last years Live Movie Fights. Well worth a watch ...

I'm also sad to say that I haven't felt compelled to watch The Walking Dead panel. I watched it last year to see if they'd even try to avoid spoiling it for those who hadn't read the comics but honestly the cat was out the bag before the previous season had even ended. OMG Glen dies! What a shocker! The trailer for the new season wasn't bad though, overly long, but I got the sense that maybe, just maybe they might be getting ready to wrap up. We can but hope.

Thanks for reading my little moan about this year's Comic Con being pretty rubbish. Have you watched any of it? What are you hyped for in the next quarter? Are you going to watch the new IT movie? This is the important one, I really wanna know >:OP


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