Porn-Advertisement in mainstream Media? Respect, Pornhub!

A genius move from Pornhubs marketing team?!

Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-28 um 13.35.34.png

Screenshot from at March 28th, 1pm

Normally, porn adds are seen as f****** annoying when they pop up while surfing. But why make annoying ads when you can get into the headlines of public newspapers as well? Yes, you have read right - porn promotion in public newspapers! The marketing geniuses of the world's leading online porn website - - have accomplished to do that.

How? They just kept their eye open for names of cities that could be connected to sex, etc.. and did this:

From what I have heard so far, those places rather suffer from their names (which I can't really understand) because it attracts many people to come to there place (which I can even understand less why that would bother the city). At least in Fucking there have been some petitions to change the name - which fortunately wasn't done. By telling those people that they should be proud to live there and granting them free access to Pornhubs premium features, they have made it into the newspapers. Maybe this will open the eyes of the inhabitants towards using their place's names for profit instead of being ashamed and annoyed. At least it has been a great advertisement for both Pornhub and those cities.

What do you think about this marketing move and the names of those places in general?
I think it is a great example of how important a great marketing team is and how much value companies should shift towards having a good one!

If you would like to combine a trip to my beautiful home country Austria with visiting those places, I suggest the following route through some of those premium places ;)


Greets, Martin

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