America - DIVIDED we fall

America is pretty well fucked now...

Over the last 30 years the crony capitalism, corruption, and greed have destroyed America. We are now at a very pivotal moment. One in which we choose to unite and change the system, or we choose to let our country full on collapse.

Although I despise president Trump, I do not blame him for this situation we are now in. He is not the cause, he is the symptom. He played the electoral collage just right, and he pandered to people who are hurting, and have been screwed over by oligarchs all their lives. He tricked them into thinking he would really help them. 

Trump is not to blame for that, but he has not done anything to help the situation. In fact he constantly alienates people from all walks of life, and is turning the world against us (even more).

We as a society need to get back to the basics. We need to value human life more than money. We need to help our poor and homeless. We need to educate our citizens and find some common ground. This is not about pride or opinion. This is about survival.

Remember: divided we fall


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