Reminiscence, Year One on the Steemiverse.

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To all our new members that have just joined us recently, I wrote this for you, I hope it helps and I hope you like it:

Our story takes place a little over a year ago. You wake up one morning and receive a message from a friend who tells you to check this new thing out. While the most normal response is to ignore it claiming that you don't have time, you remember that you never get new opportunities or meet new people if you don't open yourself to new things. So luckily you don't discard that message, and that's the main reason this post exists today.

In the Beginning

The minute you come across steemit, the first thought that would pop in your mind is how revolutionary this platform is. You’ve never seen anything like that.

The idea is amazing, you think at first. The more you look at it, the more you fall in love. This is going to change the game, you say to yourself.

You tell all your friends about it, but only two of them join.

It’s okay, you figure they will join later. As wise man once said not everyone is prepared to be a pioneer. Plus, all new ideas have probably been through the same in the beginning.

Weeks have passed now, though it seems like months judging by the amount of time spent on the platform since you’ve rarely spent that much time in a social media site, but there's just something different about this one.

You’re making friends already, and how can you not? There are some incredible people in steemit, and weirdest of all, it seems like you’re know each other for so long even though you've met only for a few weeks.

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July 4th is approaching, the big day. The official launch of this beautiful spaceship.

Some people try to “warn” you that it wouldn’t work, but you don’t mind them. You know it’s not about the platform at all, that it’s not even a calculated conclusion they arrived to after a diligent analysis but maybe just the automatically instinctive response of avoidance to anything that is new.

So you don’t mind them, and you just keep doing what you’re doing. They’ll turn around when the time comes.

July 3rd, the big day is upon us. You can hardly sleep, it’s like you’re about to embark in an amazing adventure, and you can’t wait for it to begin.

July 4th, the gates are wide open and a myriad of new members start joining. There's a great energy pumping all around. In the air, breaths a sentiment of excitement and joyfulness.

Steem to the moon! Birth of a new mantra.

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A few days into July, and you’re hacked, and again you don’t mind. You know there are gonna be many stones along the road, and they’re just part of the journey.

Nothing has changed after all, you’re still there with the same enthusiasm even if you can’t write nor comment momentarily.

You write a post, and you send it to your friend Gabe to post on your behalf. I told you there are a lot of awesome people in steemit. @piedpiper, a hell of guy.

The message of the post is: We’re here to stay!

The days pass and time tells the doubters wrong. In fact, more and more people start joining everyday as you begin to see new faces, amazing posts, fresh ideas.. This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for.

You start to see a change of posture in you most skeptic friends, they’re no longer afraid of the new and they’re getting curious now: So… Tell me about that steem thing again.

We’re in August now, and the day is your Birthday, and naturally you log in to different social media accounts to answer all the kind Birthday wishes.

Only that something is different this time, because you also get notifications from steemit Facebook groups as well from your steemian friends.

As you click through to read which of one of your steem friends posted what post today, your eye land on a tiny yet significant detail that blows your mind completely.

It’s the members' section of the steemit Facebook group, a few months ago you had 2 friends, now you have a couple dozens already.

Your personal friends are now joining steemit on their own. That was a great realization on your Birthday.

And now as you’re typing this you realize that in a couple of months it’s your Birthday again, and you’re willing to bet that there’s gonna be a hell a lot more of your personal friends joining as well.

And then your friend’s friends, and their friends too. Even that lousy neighbor who keeps complaining that the monkeys stole his breakfast again.

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A Larger World

It started with two people in a garage, like the typical success story you see in a blockbuster movie, only this one is real.

And from there it started growing, little by little. Unlike the typical startup story you see in the movies, because in real life, patience is part of the game, and you can't get a snowball before you gather some actual snow first.

The good news is that whenever you get to the snowball phase, you know that massive growth will go much faster then.

Maybe it’ll take years, maybe it’s just around the corner. Either way, the journey so far have been nothing short of spectacular. And at the end of the day, that’s all that matters.

Right now, there is an entire culture of steemians that did not exist barely a year and half ago.

People coming to write their story and end up changing their lives in ways they didn’t expect before.

Some get absorbed so much by it, that it's hard to remember life before steem.

Some end up meeting some really cool people and become friends, maybe even the people who are going to be friends with for the rest of their lives.

And once a year, they all meet somewhere in the world to celebrate this little awesome thing called steem.

It was created less than two years ago, and then it started growing and blossoming. Certainly due to the dedication and brilliance of so many people.

As you're reflecting upon that you realize that hundreds of people have probably joined on this day, maybe thousands. As it did yesterday, as it will tomorrow.

In the process, a couple of influencers will join as well. And then a couple more… And growth will accelerate even further.

Until the day the comes where the snowball becomes not only inevitable but unstoppable.

That’s the day you will write a hell of a story, your own story about how you lived through one of the exciting platforms of our digital era.

And I wanna read that story.

I hope you will be here to write it.

All the best!

The Alien

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