

Regret, is the worst feeling one can have.

As a kid, I happily walked into the owner's shop to buy my golden retriever, Jojo. A small puppy who was marked with the letter M to differentiate him from his siblings. They let me touch him and he bit me and ran away, that was our first encounter.

We got him home and he quickly became a part of our family. We played, ran and even fought with each other. We were true brothers. Until I started growing up and I didn't give him the time and attention he so deserved.

As time passed, we became more and more distant. I wasn't there to play with him and he was diagnosed with artithis, limiting his movement.

Today, it was me, who rushed him to the vet after he started vomitting blood. He's been diagnosed with terminal stomach tumours, and it's causing him a lot of pain. He has to be put down.

After 6 years I realised again what he meant to me. In his last days, I realise that I love him, and we should have had more time together. But that isn't to be.

Since it was me who was the first human he ever loved, it will be only fitting that it is me who stays with him till his final breath when we put him down this Saturday.

I'll miss you, my best friend and brother.


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