What Goes In Comes Out

When it comes to our journey and setting goals, we can often time be very clear about the outcome we desire in life.

We know what kind of house we want. We know what kind of person we want to be with.

We have the ideal situation mapped out in our minds. We may even have a sense of who we want to be.

In the gross physical reality, this can be very obvious. We know that cause and effect is a law of nature.

The unfortunate oversite is, that we all too often don't realize that what we are putting into our consciousness is creating who we become and therefore determining where we end up.

We can not separate the outcome from the income.

What is coming into us will determine what comes out of us and what comes out of us will determine where we end up in life.

So my invitation is for you to become more perceptive and sensitive to the kinds of things that you are feeding your mind and spirit and asking yourself if this is feeding the person you would ultimately like to be.

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