Why Most People Wants to be Free?

Hi Steemians!
How are you today, are having some spaces for yourself to sit back and relax a little? If you have, then you must be feeling good by now. With a cup of coffee let's enjoy exploring Steemit platform.

I stated a question on the title of this post. Yes it is about being free or freedom. Who doesn't want to be free? It's almost every human being can dream about. Being free and not having to lean on or get ordered by others is something mostly we can dream of. But why most people wants to be free?

What's better than free? Peace I think. By being free you can be in peace. But some freedoms are not peacefully. Some who are free doesn't get peace. Infact they go back to problems. They're not doing it carefully.

In this world, we couldn't do anything we want, there are rules that prevent us to do some negative things. That's why so many criminals in the prison. But still some people do that negative things. But some people want to do negative, and they feel like that is their best. Whatever it is, since whatever they do disadvantage others, then that is criminal and totally wrong.

Something bad and disadvantage others are claimed as crime. And crimes are forbidden, for those who commit crime will be arrested or end up in a court of law.

Almost every place in this world has law. And as citizen we must obey the law. We have to stick to the rule. But somehow we disobey those rules, lucky we didn't get caught. But if we do it oftenly, we might get caught someday.

How much it cost for you to be free?

If you're looking for pleasure through adventure, I suggest you should go on a vacation to the unvisited island. There, you and your friends will be free. I've experienced this, back when me and my friends went to Bunta Island in Aceh.

No one in the island, it was just us. I felt free as a bird. But we did realize that we shouldn't trash in the island, we must keep it's beauty.

How will you get this freedom? Will you earn it by doing something? or will you work for it? It's all in your hand, you have the answer.

Thanks for reading, best regards @teukudianaulia

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