The bohemian millionaire- reason 1: Life

Hey guys it's my first week of my gratitude challenge.IMG_0402.JPG

This week I am thankful for Life. It is so easy to take it for granted sometimes.

See, when I was on my Mama's womb I was almost aborted. I almost didn't make it.

My mom's parents wanted her to abort because she was only 17 and my bio dad did not want to be with her.

That story is for another post, but the point is that I matter how difficult life has been I am so Thankful for it.

This reason is priceless just with life I considere my self rich.

All of us who are alive today is for a reason. Sometime the difficult part is finding that reason. After a lot of depression and anger I realized that I am here to experience this moment as it is. To create the reality of my dreams, to help others find their purpose and happiness and so much more.

I was appreaciating these little birdies outside my apartment's balcony, seeing how hard the parent birds worked to build their nest. IMG_0450.JPG

Now the little Babie's bird are out, with their beaks open waiting for food and waiting to be ready to fly. How beautiful is the process of life. Those bird are not stressing about little things they are just living !

So my first reason to be thankful for is LIFE. What are you thankful for today?

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