Your Personality is Represented By What Surrounds You

I often wonder if I know who I really am. I have always struggled with the questions at interviews when I am asked to describe myself. But the thought occurred to me today that in order to remind myself exactly who it is I am at my very core, I just need to glance around my apartment.

My extremely comfortable couch with my computer nearby reminds me that I like to be comfortable when I have a chance to relax while blogging or working on little things. Comfort is essential to me as I have many aches and pains, and I can never get enough of a good couch to sprawl on after a long day.

My red reading chair, draped with a fuzzy blanket and a table beside it covered in my books that I am reading, reminds me that continuing a life engulfed in literature and books that are in my hands and not on a screen is important to me. To own a book in my eyes is a privilege and makes a historic mark in my journey to learn more.

My dark wooden work table where I do all my homework, where there is no time to put my feet up, just a need for a solid surface to spread on all my work and focus. This reminds me that I am a hard worker and I love to get things done and achieve everything I can.

The paintings on my walls around my apartment that were lovingly painted by my mother throughout the years and she no longer has space for them, reminds not only of my love for art but of my family and the soft spot I have for them. My moms painting has always brought us close and it is a reminder of that.

And lastly, I see Mushu my bearded dragon, and Gobi my fish and this reminds me that I am an animal lover no matter what, and if I can't have animals because I am not on the farm, I will find a way to have some in the city.

Look around yourself and see what statement pieces that surround you say about your personality and self. You might be surprised at your interpretation.



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