Confessions of a Multitasker


I’m used to always being busy – moving from one task to the next. And since giving birth to Zara this practice has been on high gear. Derek and I have been blessed to have my parents here for a month so there have been lots of loving arms for Zara and Shalom.

I’ve found myself feeding Zara, cuddling with her for a moment, handing her off to Derek or one of my parents and then moving on to a new task. I’ve got a running To Do list in my mind and I have this need to check off as many of them as possible every day. You know – make the most of my maternity leave.

Yesterday, I found myself home alone with Zara and as I was holding her, I realized how little time I was spending truly enjoying these squishy, early moments of her life. She is our last child so I really need to soak in all her newborn perfection. So I laid down with her on my chest and was still. The To Do list raged but I managed to push it aside and be in the moment (and also catch a nap).


It’s been almost one month since she joined our family and I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone! Don’t all parents say the exact same thing? In the midst of my sleep deprivation and multitasking obsession, I have only been vaguely aware of how much she has already changed. She’s not the 6 lb 14 oz baby girl that I brought home from the hospital.

So yes, there is work to be done and yes, my desire to accomplish our family goals is intense but I have to consciously remember to be still. These moments will slip by and I will regret missing them.

Are you a multitasker? What are your tricks to balance the obsession?


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