𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕓𝕝𝕖 // time travelling through january, fortnight crush and bella day! :)

Good morning folks, how the devil are thee this morning (kinda a British saying you will hear in the northern towns, especially around outdoor markets) — don’t panic the ‘how the devil’ is a very determined, excited way enquiring to how you are!

I’m doing great this morning personally (thanks for asking) I had some solid rem sleep last night, lovely and warm and now I’m up at the machine and ready to go, it’s an odd day today in some ways because I feel like I’ve been time travelling through this week specifically, maybe it was just the build up to birthday and then and go kinda thing — I’m glad I go to see a few old friends, hug them, shake their hands and know that they are well.

In cash campbell this morning I’m all about getting started on some video at some point in these next two weeks, can’t really get into anything today as I’ve gotta go and pick up bella chella from school today so it’s probably gonna be a local town run, get another gift card to complete the green screen purchase.

hoping that can come next week and I can get that home on the bus — of course I’ve gotta turn that into a part pub, part lug it from the shop onto the bus kinda thing, I think I can do it — gonna be pumped when I have a flat, matt surface instead of the ghetto sheet I have now.

Right now I’ve got a few things on my mind — getting sketches of the applications I want to build on the go, building videos and animations for posting to instagram across a few spare accounts we have and moving fully from youtube to dtube if I can’t hit that 1000 follower figure in the next four weeks, those are the media moments I gotta get on top off — also I’m aware that I need to get these new headers and footers going too, just not been inspired to what they look yet, I know pixel fonts are going to be part of it but I really need a complete eight hour day just focused on that.

forty five mile marker

I keep looking at that 45 number wondering why it feels so alien to me right now, I don’t feel forty five at all, my new Fitbit charge 2 tracker tells me my heart rate and general cardio is good, I’m getting exercise regular and you know what I don’t remember feeling as sharp as this as I did in my thirties but then I did eat a lot of shit and drink, smoke weed and all kinds of shit back then, I’m glad I matured away from that as being part of my regular ‘treat yo self’ culture, it’s kinda a trap in itself — you get jack shit done.

I was surprised by city life yesterday on the way back out, I realised that you can be in a section of a city and not see any of the people you used to hang around with three or four years ago, you could literally frequent a part of the system and just live out a life around five blocks, a completely different eco system, moving around to different streets to take in the barometer of that part of the city, I’m sure some people have that down to a science — I was also happy to hear that @dayleeo could not ‘get a read’ on the city, it’s always been a kinda weird city to me, I’m glad to be back in the country! :)

bitcoin not in the safe zone

Bitcoin seems to be floating around that $11k and a bit mark, it’s either gonna fall to $8.5k wish or rally up. happy to see steem and sbd still holding around the $4k mark, of course I’d like to see SBD back over $10 and steem a little bit more stronger but hey, this is the volatile market place we are in, you gotta take the highs with the lows and all that — personally these are the best moments to be zigging while everyone else is zagging!

two weeks to a complete four week january

although January is powering through I do feel these next two weeks will be the cornerstone to setting up for February, this is another crush month and a good time to be making and creating — jan and feb for me are the months that people are still in recovery mode from christmas and new year, it used to be the end of feb that people started to look at the rest of the year and contracts, whatever new projects you had going before then somehow always used to dovetail into being skills new clients wanted.

I’ve been really happy at the progress of the steemit course for content creators over on skillshare, fourteen subscribers in december I’m already over my two thousands minutes for the month which is sweet for the next month, means I can expect another fairly decent payment to cover my unlimited 4g next month, still work to do but happy with the progress, it’s certainly being watched and I’ve had a few $10 referrals in the mix.

if you Join - Skillshare for free for three months you can easily watch through the nearly four hours of content about steemit, thirty two parts of how to use the platform from the perspective of a content creator, this is going to form the package that goes out to you tubers that are leaving the platform and coming to dtube and steemit! :) — you can even download the complete course to your iPad if you wanna watch offline.

new steemit account profiles complete

Whole bunch are now complete — @bansko, @cinemagraph, @teamvideo, @teamaudio, @nomadpictures, @vlogging, @cryptocards, @everydaycarry, @eresidency and more (but those are a surprise) — these are going to be separate blogs so I can switch into my other markdown editor and just pick up on a topic without just my daily blogging building up to a regular schedule calendar as I work towards all these projects, I’m hoping to turn the cryptocards and the everydaycarry into a little vlog show pushed to dtube as well — it’s gonna be a busy few months! :)

Feel free to follow if any of those interest you, once I’ve got the green screen up I’ll be setting up the discord properly and setting up channels for discussion around all of these topics, help for bloggers, software, cameras all that stuff and also some bits about live streaming and content creation in general for the digital makers on the go — we got places to go this year people! Hope your ready! :)

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