Just like in the movies and it felt good.

Hopefully you've seen it and know what I'm talking about.

You know like in the movies.

The scene where the protagonist wakes up after a long night, disheveled and in some crazy sleeping position that looks like it took years of yoga to be able to fall asleep in. He/She looks at the clock, grunts, and walks wearily into a nearby bathroom which they may or may not recognize. The person then proceeds to splash some water on their face, pours a drink, and in one mighty swig, drinks it all and starts the day.


It's a little after midnight and not having work tomorrow, well, I was thinking about what to do with the rest of my night before the doziness takes me and I realized... I have never had one of those moments. Sure we've all woken up late for one reason or another, but have you ever woken up and immediately poured yourself a drink to start the day?

Que my bathroom.


I decided why not. I'm an adult. I owe it to myself to enjoy a nice splash of water to the face and a strong drink. Of course, I don't plan on drinking the morning after an all-night rager at the local dive bar (the day after is for recovery and a hearty breakfast, not bringing yourself closer to death), so I fabricated some parts of the experience.

I laid on the side of my bed, fully clothed, set my alarm on my cell phone for one minute into the future, and took my hat off and covered my face. Not really adding to the story here, but as a side note, it's kind of funny to me or maybe even ironic we as humans first have to pretend to go to sleep in order to actually fall asleep. My phone alarm blared after its sixty seconds were up and I arose from my make-believe slumber, wiping the non-existent sleep from my eyes and groaning like a fifty-year-old man about to read his newspaper. I hobbled into my bathroom, looked up at myself in the mirror, and sighed.

I must have been preparing for this moment subconsciously for some time now. I actually already had the liquor bottles in my bathroom, placed there previously as a manly decoration.


I creaked the faucet handles into the 'ON' position and waited a moment for the water to turn warm. Once it was to my liking, I pseudo-groggily splashed some of the water onto my face. It actually felt pretty nice! I found myself quickly drawn into this short story I had written for myself and felt almost as if I really was waking up after a long, tiring night and showering my face with a warm source of rejuvenation. I grabbed a nearby towel and dried my face. Out of habit, I twired my mustache, just to reestablish its handlebar form. I turned to my liquor bottles and picked up my previously prepared glass tumbler. Popping off the top of my Glenfiddich 14 Year, I poured a two finger dram and immediately took a sip.
It was everything I had wanted it to be.

I know it sounds stupid but those five minutes were actually very fulfilling. I was a character in a one-person play, written by one person, for one person. Oh, and just because, I went ahead and took a picture of my pour, the one I am finishing up as I write this sentence.

All in all, sometimes it feels good to follow the mindless thoughts in your head.


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