Life in the Communist regime!

Communist Romania 1947-1989 is an unofficial name, sometimes used with reference to the Communist period in the history of Romania where the country was known with the official names of the Romanian People's Republic, not many had the opportunity to live in the communist regime and few know how to survive . Romania, one of the countries that have gone through communism, a difficult period for the population, will tell you some inconveniences of the communist regime.socialist-republic-1966-1989_51a843eac49d7.png source

  1. Grocery: The bread was on the card, the meat did not have much to eat, it was given only once a week, the sugar, the flour and the eggs were distributed per capita. The milk was given in the morning but you had to stand in line, the tails were formed in the morning at 5 o'clock.comunism0-300x169.jpg
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2 . Lack of information: in the communist regime you had a certain TV station (Romanian national television) where you only saw what you should see. There was only one legal post on the radio. (risk and listen to Free Europe)reclama-europa-libera.jpg source

3 . Right to free speech: in Communism you were arrested if you expressed your view of the regime.Foto-din-arhiva-Col.-Fernea-350x256.jpg source

4 . Obligation to work: if you were caught in the morning at 9 o'clock on the street, and after checking you could not prove that you were working, you were forced to work on the site.munca-patriotica-valcea.jpg
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In the communist regime people have lived very hard or adapted, there are some people who love the communist regime, I certainly are not among them.

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