We Might Be In Purgatory?


You know that inner voice
The 'way deep' one that condemns you and defends you
That’s the one we want to help – soothe it – soothe the fear
Tell it all is well – there is no more war – no judgment
We are aligning with the Divine

I am in love with God
The pure God Force in me and in you and in All that Is
This is what we live for… to participate in that Divine Force
So we were born into this place, which is hell for some
Purgatory for others, heaven for a few

Some folks say there is a spiritual war going on - it may be
We find ourselves in a material world that is out of balance
We're seeking and searching and choosing
Looking for things that ring true
Asking - what is the right thing to do

Many who lack material things believe that heaven is having
I say – look at those who have the most – the rulers of this world
They must be dead inside to create suffering on such a scale
They fill every desire and yet they are empty
Having has made them parasites

Deception is soon over – destroyers become destroyed
We’d rather be building and alive inside

The key to balance must be here in this living story
How about… ‘to have is to give’ – I think that might be it
Receive and give, give and receive
That may be the way Divine operates
The back and forth flow creates a third – the love of Itself

We take this journey within a body
Within an ancestral line
Within the identity and culture created by a people
Within the memories written in our bodies
Within a spiritual family that loves truth

‘Spoken truth’ – ‘this person is truthful’ – ‘telling the truth’
Truth is a light that leads us to ourselves
And to heaven on earth – that place of flow
It leaves the heart clean and unburdened
Tell the truth – and come from your heart’s knowing
Be real – start there – honesty has the highest outcome

Receive to give to love – love to give to receive – give to receive to love
And on and on it expands ever changing
Yes, hell is a real state of being absent truth and absent love
What was it Jesus said about the rich man… camel, eye of needle
Looks like they might want to start getting small

I doubt they can hear this message
But those on the purgatory journey of fear can
If you’re in purgatory, look inside your Self for the door
From here you can walk a much brighter path – expanded
You can better hear and see the world around you

Do what you can to relieve suffering – love one another
You’re part of a human family – help your family overcome fear
Help them repair past wrongs that linger on – for God’s sake
You’re here – you came here to align with the Divine
Through free will – now that is a brave choice – carry on

I love you.

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