Building Reputation on Responsibility!

Being accountable or answerable of any form of tasks or obligations, make up responsibility. But what you are known for create your reputation. Come to think of it, can reputation go without responsibility? If you agree with me, Responsibility is the state of mind in which human positive activities and behavior that someone portrait is displayed. While the negatives is known as irresponsibility.


In our today's society, only the responsible once are much valued and respected, Simply because only few can be trusted on good reputation, What become of you when you can't be accepted in where you are supposed to due to failure in attitude!
The greatest poverty in our today life is the poverty of character! People tent to sway from morals and discipline, to something I cant describe by words


Most, of our youth no longer see their reputation as their responsibilities no more. When money speaks, humanity dances! We have abandoned our customs, traditions and most of all, integrity to materialism.

What baffles me most is that, many of us don't even know what we want but we go through hell to have it. Simply because we just want to copy others and always being, a total stranger to ourselves. Without letting aside the knowledge of one being he/she self -make someone to discover his/her self.

The kind of life you live are the kind of people you will attract. Being responsible in the society today comes with Alot of expectation, people will have trust to you depending on you.

A former Nigerian Army General Gen. Muhammad Buhari built a strong reputation right from his early age, as time passes by, his integrity continues to grow! Today Gen. Muhammad Buhari reputation has resulted him the president of Nigeria in 2015.

Gen. Muhammad Buhari obtained respect from every of his handled battalion in the Army, for his total submission to taking responsibility of every single soldier if his platoon at the war zone. We should always encourage ourselves to build good reputation on responsibility.

Always remember!

The kind of life you live are the kind of people you will attract

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