We are Teachers and Students at the same time... there are NO Coincidences


I've never subscribed to the theory of "Coincidence", and I'm sure I never will. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the strangest encounters turn out to be part of our Karma, or something we came here to learn. I believe we attract those that can teach us what we came to this big, blue marble to learn or Pay Forward. For that matter, we, ourselves may be set in the path of someone that needs us for a Universal Lesson, as well. We are all Teachers and Students at the same time, and I can only hope and strive to learn from, or pass on knowledge, to every soul that crosses my path. Whether man, woman, child. or even animal, we ALL have something to offer, and I have always believed that EVERY interaction with another life form is supposed to be a loving, learning experience.

Here's to learning something new everyday Cheers

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