Ol' Blues Joe - A Father's Day poem

Even before we can walk or talk, girls have their Daddy "eating out of their hand" ;)

He's a wrinkled old man with no hair on his head
Walking around like he's back from the dead
He eats his dinner from an old trash can
Washes his face in a frying pan

He's paying his dues
He's got nothing to lose
So he keeps on wailing
The Harmonica Blues

His face is hard
His eyesight worn
His heart and mind, tattered and torn.
But when he makes that blues harp moan
Those dues he's paying make his old heart groan.

The day Ol' Blues Joe left this earth,
I came upon his harp... In the dirt
I picked it up and tried to play
Those simple Blues Diddies that he used to play...

Before I knew it ... The Blues had caught me
And I started to remember all he taught me..

He said ,"daughter, the Blues makes the sad happy... If you don't believe it,
Just remember your Pappy"

My son (7 at the time), tried to write Gramps a blues song to make him laugh (I know... Blues song to make Gramps laugh... Do kids understand irony?🤔). In honor of Father's Day and the man that taught me that being ME is the most beautiful thing I could accomplish in life...
Thank you, Pop.

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